Author: Raghvendra Singh

A keen learner, upsc aspirant, future diplomat and most amazing person I know.

India’s Obsession With Fair Skin – Is It Unfair?

India, having majority of brown skinned population, is facing issue of calling themselves proudly brown. Reasons to do so are numerous and reflecting the history of India itself like,
1. Most invasions from northwest regions had fairer skin
2.Britishers considered white skin superior
3. World events in American history has also supported same view.
Due to this reason and people veiw that being white means superior along with other things that come in package like being tall, slim etc are become common point of mocking. Indian people themselves being an outcome of long racism, act racist, which is disheartening.

Is it fair?
Everyone would say no. But country is one of the biggest producers of whitening creams for both sexes. Constitution doesn’t support any distinction on basis of caste, colour, age, sex. People also do not support out of peer pressure. But they too have deeply ingrained preference for “fair”.It’s unfair by nature law too.Nobody makes the choice t be born with a particular colour so it biased to say red is beautiful and yellow flower is not.

How it effects our society:
In making friends, profession, marriage partner and also expects babies to be fair evreytime.

The very effect of ” gori chamdi maai baap” has led to discrimination of not-so-fair masses.
A garden must have very hue. And promotion by celebs the very concept of being fair is not t be blamed on them. Recent issue of Indian women of lower caste being unfairly treated by Indian masters in UK itself, where a penalty of 1.76 million pounds was imposed,  is the result of changing viewpoint of world with dealing racism. India should also stop discrimination early and not let the roots grow deeper.

Read and do it faster.

Awaked Generation


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

  A non-reader attempted to read a small booklet, as soon he realized talking is ‘waste of time’. Somehow, spending two-hour reading a book in non-native language, he finished going through fifty pages slowly. Imagine, being a reader took you less than an hour to finish the same book. Not only you just finished it somehow but have comprehended it well and fast. If you fit into latter case, you still have room to grow. For those who are not reading fast enough, get out of comfort zone. If reading fast is something you wish, time and practice are your only friend.

Practicing on regular basis to read faster with good comprehension is something that will, for sure…

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Something is wrong up there, On Moon.

Awaked Generation


We have no proof, But if we extrapolate, based on the best information we have available to us, we have to come to the conclusion that … other life probably exists out there and perhaps in many places…

Neil Armstrong, Oct 21, 1999.

European space agency, ESA, is planning for first human settlement on moon also backing it up with their first manned mission on moon. Since 1972, no person has been on moon or in lunar orbit. This is bit surprising and makes me question, “Why there have been no manned missions in last 45 years by any country or space agency?”. Seems like we know enough about moon to explore further or we have lost interest. But there are few reasons to doubt.

With current development and research in space technology, “Are we not enough capable to make it on the moon more easily and frequently?”. Manned…

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